Shonai Visitors Association (SVA)

Just realize how beautiful scenery, culture and nice people are Japanese. They are incredibly attract myself to  be more and more willing learning about Japanese language. Honestly, it feels bad when everybody around you, foreigners especially, talking in Japanese while you still need an interpreter. But yeah it needs process! 
Anyway, last week was the most amazing week ever, Saturday went to Zao for Ski and again on Sunday spend the rest of energy for trekking with Shonai Visitors Association. I just don't mind at all. The SVA brought me into a very nice place and meet some nice people with so cute kids playing games and interact with them, and of course, food! MWAHH..and it's free! It was so much better than spend Sunday on bed. Bed is an old story already.
Trekking! My favorite. Trekking is always fun somehow. I always love to have a trekking-moment with snow. Get close with snow is just nice, Indonesia is pretty rare of snow, even nothing. I was wearing an orange shoes which basically used for breaking snow when it's too high from your feet. It was like more than 6 feet. But honestly, this shoes is not comfortable at all. It makes my foot step on another foot which is annoying. 
Not sure what's this shoes called in Japanese but I called it a-snow-breaker shoes (probably)
I was also stay for 10 minutes inside Kamakura, kind of survival room in snow, and it's been modified as a religious cave or something, cause I saw kind of religious stuff in the middle of wall while hundred of candles are around (made by kids I guess)
Not sure what this is but surely that's respectable candle

Others candle
Another interesting part is Hanagasa-Ondo, it's traditional dance of Japan and I love something traditional, lucky me they teach me how to move in that dance.
Here was their performance. They are students from Yamagata University actually 

While calling me to join with them

After tutorial
The point is, I wish another moment like this will always be around me during my stay in Japan, and I wish I'm able to speak Japanese on next tour.



  1. You really really lucky being there and playing those snow sports while i never did it,though we have snow like hell :(
    Enjoy your time and take care of yourself too coz your health is everything for me.
    Wish you best of luck dear.

    1. oh.. we will play it together someday. Amiiiin :))
      you too ganteng... you are just mean to me as well


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