He is (finally) here!


He is here. Oh My God! This guy is finally here.
I still remember when the first time my parents saw him on the airport. With full of curiosity and hope, they were passionately willing to meet this guy. My feeling was actually more that theirs. I feel more like someone who never meet her soul mate for years in the war then destiny makes them meet again the better and best situation. It feels good, so much good.

That night I just came back from Jogja. I took bus and arrived around 5 in the afternoon and my parents were already there to pick me up and together went to airport. It took about one hour to reach airport including time to pray and eat. Finally we have to wait about 2 hours in domestic terminal, where Abang landed from Jakarta. I was waiting like a crazy person, looking at the board every second and standing in front of the gate like security guard. I can't breath and sit. I just have to see him as soon as possible. The worst thing was it was so much crowded with people just came back from Umrah which more difficult to observe where he was. After few minutes he finally showed up. Very much out of my expectation. Very fresh, very charming, very lovely, very bright, very light, he is more than just someone I was waiting for. He was wearing block-pattern-brown shirt and light brown pants. He knows that wearing brown pant is such the best of his performance and I like it a lot. It was new what he was wearing, all of it, the shirt, pants, shoes, the deuter-bag also new. It seems like he was so much preparing himself to be as handsome as possible. Actually he doesn't need to, he is handsome whatever he is. He was walking through those people with a big smile and lovely eyes easily found me. He hugged me tightly, and so did I. Very much we miss each other. It's been one and half year since the last we met. He wasn't change a lot and turn into a very charming person. We hugged for few minutes to relieve our feeling till we realized that some people might looking at us, including my parents. Typical of Indonesian, seeing two lovers hugging in public is something uncommon, either they would talking about you behind your back or the worst thing, filming you and say bad thing.
I dragged him into where my parents were standing to say hi. It was so much surprising me that their eyes and the way they look at him was so much telling me indirectly that they like him already. They talked frankly, they smiled freely to each other, although they need me still to be a nice interpreter ;). One thing should we all know about is, no matter how bad your language ability, whenever you've already love someone you would magically be able to communicate with them.

It's getting late, we drove home. I can't stop looking at him in the car and I can't stop holding his hands. We both didnt believe that this is really happening, that he was with me in Indonesia, in the same car, going back to the same home and looking at his eyes as long as I like. So did I, he was telling me secretly that he loved to see me with my parents and he loves to be exactly how we were. Very fortunate of what we have been through (read this post). Finally at 1 am we arrived home and tok same rest.


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