MARRIAGE: 23 Week of Pregnancy

I am alhamdulillah extremely happy.
Today I went to another doctor check up for my baby as I did 3 weeks ago.
Doctor promise me to tell the gender of my baby and I cannot wait for the answer (though I am sure what the answer is, but I keep telling to myself not too soon judging).
So I arrived in the hospital for about 11.30.  I went there with my Japanese friend. I can't prohibit her not to come though I have told her that I will come to see Doctor with mbak Nita. Surely, she is so much exciting about seeing the baby. So, technically, there were two people accompany me to see Doctor at that day, which is good, as long as they are available.

I did the normal procedure as usual. Went to toilet for urine test and blood pressure checking. Everything is normal alhamdulillah...
Then, time to see the Doctor. He is as calm as usual. I keep surprise him by bringing different people every time I see him. So he start to ask me laying down on the bed and checking on the baby. Risa (my Japanese friend) was so happy. She keeps telling kawaii which means cute in Japanese. She loves to see this kind of stuff and every time she saw me in the lab, she always gives her best greeting and shows her care for me, like asking how am I and the baby or gave me her blanket, she is just sweet. Then she starts to listen what the Doctor said about the baby and inform later on. I could catch some of Doctor's information then I could say that my baby probably a BABY GIIRL and she is perfectly normal and healthy. Nothing he found unusual symptom or something wrong according to the weight, length of feet, head, stomach and soon.  Alhamdulillah... Wa Syukurillah...

The checking is not done yet. The Doctor actually asked me to laying down in another bed to check the 'way out' of the baby. He technically check on my V and measure the length of the way out and stuff inside. This thing is so much I hate. He didn't inform me before so I could prepare myself. But anyway, he said everything is normal also. Alhamdulillah... Wa Syukurillah...

I couldn't wait to go home and tell to my husband. I know that he is gonna be the happiest person who heard about this.
So, I grab my phone and called him. I showed him the 4D picture version also and he was so so so happy. I explain him little bit I know about the baby and told that the most probably is we will get a BABY GIRL. He was laughing and cannot believe. He was actually expecting a baby boy cause he loves to play with him, but he has no problem at all with having a baby girl. I told him that he will look so much sexier by holding and carrying a baby girl :D

This is how she looks like:*

And this is how am I look like. Notes that I wore only one piece of shirt and never try to make my belly looks bigger :D


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