MARRIAGE: My 5th Months Pregnancy

Cannot believe of what I saw yesterday with my own eyes. In a small computer screen, which was supported by one magic stick, I could see how my baby-born-to-be in my belly. He (I'm expecting) is 5 months old inside my belly now. Very tiny and very small but very strong and brave. He was moving on his legs and hands whenever we try to see what he's doing inside and how much does he grow. He is 287 grams. I could say that some (or maybe all) of my food nutrition was absorbed by him, which is grateful to know. Last week he was only 158 grams and now, he increases weight for about 129 grams. Doctor said that much weight is normal according to the age of pregnancy. The thing to be concerned about is only I have to be careful with my own fat, not over 10 kg increase is highly suggested. Within 5 months of pregnancy I increase weight like 2 kg, I'm not sure if I could manage it till not over than 10 kg till the end of pregnancy. Having a weight control for pregnant woman is not highly suggested like in Japan. In Indonesia, most of woman I know even they increase weight up to 15-20 kg when they are pregnant. I basically had no problem till I know the consequences on how difficult to deliver the baby will be. Here, normal delivery is strongly motivated, although those who has operation will get money from the government but I'm personally against it. I know that Indonesia still cannot be compared with Japan as the way of Japan developed every system, especially special service for pregnant woman. One example, in Indonesia, when I have regular check up to the Obsgyn, there will be some vitamins I have to drink for one month till the next schedule for check up comes. Those vitamins are stressful for me because I can't easily drink tablet or any kind of capsule. Slowly I know that those vitamins are not strongly needed, especially when the mother could eat and drink anything as they could manage and control their own vitamins from the food they eat. It was also known, that some Doctors have relation and try to get benefits from the selling products.

I am crazily happy when I know that everything is going well with my baby. I could clearly see the eyes, hands, legs, stomach and his back. The Doctor still cannot see well what gender is my baby but when I show the picture to my husband, he said that he could clearly see the P*nis between our baby's legs, which means our baby might be a boy. But again, as my doctor said, I could not easily see the gender either. Anyway, I have no problem with a baby boy or girl, as long as he/she is healthy, perfectly and normally grow then it's everything for me and my husband.

Most of people would not believe of what I have through in Japan during my pregnancy, most of people say that my life is poor because my husband and my family member is not beside me to fulfill my needs. Once again, I am just pregnant and not having disease (alhamdulillah). Pregnant is not a disease, it's even more that just healthy and rahmat that I always grateful for. Imagine, one woman, one living thing is carrying another living thing with different gender, different DNA, different heart beat and different mind inside her body. With that, she could still enjoy walking on nice weather, eating food, riding bike, go shopping and even climb a hill inside the forest (like what I did). Subhanallah... maybe some of my Indonesian friends who feel pity of me do not realize how great Allah place and protect His slaves, especially pregnant woman to the best place ever. See, I am alone, I know, technically it seems like that, my husband is not with me, my mom is not 24/7 available answering my wonder, my father is not here to stand by with any matters, but all friends, kind government service and all care people are put me on their first place, even with the people I just knew. They are so kind. One day, one of roommate came home in the night and brought a big plastic of vegetables, in a cold night she brought us that and another friend was coming to drop 20 kg of rice. Another melting moment is when my two Indonesian friends secretly took Oyster from their lab because it will just be thrown away after taking a few part of the Oyster. Moreover, they put it inside my fridge, I don't even know when and how.
Subhanallah... I hope this article could open some of people eyes who maybe a way from their family members to not be so much worry. Your worry coul ffect some people mind and it brings bad benefit for your health. Just be cool, keep in touch and let Allah protect them :)


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